Friday, May 22, 2009

Coos Bay Toastmasters Improve with Practice

Public speaking is an acquired skill that improves with practice and feedback. Toastmasters, an international organization, teach people how to speak in public. Self-paced manuals allow you to build confidence and speaking skills. Sales Leader, Group Discussion Leader, Public Relations, Storytelling, Dramatic Reading, Humorist are a few of the mini learning programs that will help you sharpen your communication skills. Imagine giving the toast at a wedding, a eulogy at a funeral or an award presentation at your organization without jitters. In a Toastmasters club you’ll learn to get your butterflies to fly in formation.

Coos Bay Toastmasters Club #249 meets from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, on the first and third Thursday of each month. Meetings are held at the Educational Services District, ESD conference center, 1350 Teakwood (near Koos Bay Blvd.) Dues are $30. a year. Visitors are welcome. For further information call Charlotte Koepke, President at 888-5306 or Clyde Mulkins, Treasure at 751-8900.

At our last meeting, Mary Thayer gave a fact filled speech on “Swine Flu,” informing us of the unhealthy practices of factory farms. Shinan Barclay spoke on “The Five Love Languages,” saying that everyone wants to love and be love, but people express love in five different ways: Gift giving, Touch, Acts of Service, Praise Words or Quality Time. Experienced Toastmasters are available to speak at your club or origination.

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