Thursday, June 25, 2009

How to Break the Social Ice by Shinan Barclay


Every Toastmaster remembers his or her first speech. Adventures, dreams, hobbies, jobs and family are all part of introducing yourself to not only fellow Toastmasters but to the world at large. Whatever you are enthused or passionate about, that energy will carry your speech into the hearts of your listeners. That same passion works well in new social situations--a wedding, funeral, civic event, or meeting the in-laws.

Many Toastmasters say that being in a Toastmasters Club has help him or her become a better husband, wife, boss, parent, friend, and/or neighbor.

Here are some ice breakers for those sticky social occasions when you'd rather bolt to the restroom or bar than talk to Great Aunt Hattie, [oops that's me!]

Say Hi . . . . Nice to see you . . . .Smile . . . . Pat on the back . . . . Hello. . . . .Ask for their name . . . . Be accessible . . . Remember eye contact. . . . Introduce yourself . . . .Ask a question . . . .Do you mind if I sit here . . . . Offer compliments . . . Tell me about yourself . . . LISTEN!

Join Coos Bay Toastmasters or just walk around our lovely, downtown Mingus Park

1 comment:

  1. I would love to visit your toastmasters group someday, hoping to take a drive up the OR and WA coast next year, Susan, former president of Santa Maria (CA) Toastmasters
